
23 August, 2009

Snow at Dusk


snow at dusk:
our pot of tea
steeps slowly darker

-Betty Dvornisk


  1. It's the end of August, and you just made me shiver.

    We've had a chilly summer, and Chicago winter is crouching like a tiger. Or perhaps like a hidden dragon. At any rate, I wonder if perhaps I can convince myself to like the cold weather this time around, just so I don't have to start dreading it once August comes.

  2. Dear Steven,

    Oddly, I have the reverse reaction: I get noticeably happier when the weather gets colder - a real, profound, and somewhat disturbing happiness! I get tingling skin even thinking about the falling leaves and the cool air that allows you to see your breath. Curious, no?

    I like the feeling of melancholy warmth in this haiku by Betty Dvornisk. I hope that this haiga, with my photograph from last winter, moves it in that direction.



  3. I,m sooo jealous. The projected high temp. today 100 degrees. I am one of those people that loves the hot sun but enoughs, enough.

  4. Looking forward to the generalized English winter (i.e. September through to May) already?


  5. You are not alone Hobbes. I love all weather I guess but the autumn and winter in this country can be magnificent.

    I do not have words to describe how beautiful it was in February when it snowed down here in London.

    I enjoy the sun too, but it sometimes seems that people obsess about the sun simply because it is what other people do.

    Maybe I read too much into things :-)

  6. Dear VL,

    You know, my friend, those kind of jibes are hard to swallow from a Russian of all people. :)

    Dear Mr. Skank,

    London was, for the shortest time, clean and pleasant when it snowed! A delight indeed. I have a lovely photograph of a small 2-inch tall snowman standing on a wall in front of the armed guard by the entrance to New Scotland Yard.



  7. The picture of the miniature snowman sounds interesting!

    I am a rubbish photographer as I cannot hold the camera steady so I have no pictures but I remember seeing some little kids making a massive snowman. I think they got a little carried away: they had managed to roll a hugh ball that was too big for them even to climb on top :-)

  8. Perhaps snow is more memorable because it snows much less often than it used to :)



  9. Indeed that could well be the case. Perhaps global warming will help rectify that...

  10. My climatologist buddies tell me that the notion that the planet will feel hotter everywhere with global warming is inaccurate, and that we should instead expect a more extreme climate, rather than a univerally hotter one. That is, more rain, more snow, more extremes of cold and hot temperatures, and so on.




(and thanks)