
15 November, 2010

The Results of an Experiment

Google Analytics tells me some wonderful facts about my audience. For example, 48% of you use Firefox to browse the web, 40% of you are based in the USA, and 97% of you are Western males married to Oriental women. It's amazing.

Given that you, gentle Reader, are statistically likely to belong to the last category, you may have an interest in my experiment into determining the appearance of Anglo-Chinese offspring.

The results are in: I can report, as a completely unbiased* scientist, that he is entirely lovely.

*Perhaps slightly biased.

Meet Xiaohu (a middle name).
Do you think he looks English, or Chinese?

My dear wife jokes that I could well become one of those people for whom their entire internet presence (blogs, Facebook, etc.) becomes saturated with baby photos.  I'm trying to resist, but have allowed myself the above exception.

Another, lesser, experiment that I have been running was into the purchase of a tong of 2001 Dingxing from Taobao's 999 Wo Xin Yijiu ("My Heart Will Always Go On"), which you may remember from this article.  It was a charming tea, but the vendor has a reputation for selling fakes. 

The tong arrived about six weeks ago, and I'm glad to report that it's exactly as the sample cake that I ordered - delicious.  Furthermore, the vendor threw in a bonus 8th cake, a huge bag of (really rather tasty) maocha, and a tuocha.  Perhaps I was lucky, but it all worked out rather well.  Under 200 RMB for this cake is a steal, and I heartily recommend it.

I know not when I'll write again, given the joys of parenthood, but trust that you and yours are well and drinking plenty of excellent tea.

