
23 July, 2010

2008 Guyi - Yubang "Yiwu Zhengshan"

I hope you're having a good summer. It's rather a special one here, as we're readying ourselves for our new arrival.  The feeling is that someone important is about to turn up (namely, our son), but he's not here yet and you're longing to meet him...

Red Leaf

Keng has very generously provided Lei and me with another cake from this producer that we've not encountered before - the "Yubang" label from the "Guyi" company.  

2004 Yubang Yiwu

The cake is appealing from the outset: we have good, long leaves, which are a healthy shade of black, tending to lighter shades in the tips - just as nature intended.

Happily, this continues into the brew itself, which is a charming yellow.  My mouth begins to water afresh as I recall its sweet, buttery scent of good Yiwu.  This isn't an expensive, grand tea, but it is very enjoyable and decent quality.  It cools the mouth, and is clean and sweet.  Some kuwei [bitterness] remains, giving the aging process something to get to work on.

2004 Yubang Yiwu

Marching on through the infusions, it shows no sign of failing, and gently recedes into a warm sweetness. I could well believe that this comes from Yiwu "proper" [zhengshan], given its charm. Being stable and enjoyable, this is easily worth the $28 asking price at Tuocha Tea, for example.

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