
31 December, 2011

Midnight Hotel


midnight hotel
even my supper
looks tired


  1. Are these all the plush friends Xiaohu has been accumulating in 2011 :)?

    Happy New Year =D!


  2. Green popples ! I had exactly the same...
    Best wishes :)

  3. Hi David and lie,
    This is a nice collection, We received the card from you both a week ago, Thanks so much. Hope you and all the family have a great 2012! Always be healthy and happy!
    send xiaohu our regards.
    Kathy & David

  4. Happy New Year, everyone. :)

    TGY - yes indeed, these are Xiaohu's acquisitions. Some are mine from my own childhood, a few are my mother's (!), but most are gifts to him from adoring relatives. He has quite a fan club...

    Sebastien - the popple was mine, once! I took it to St. Malo during a school trip when I was eight years old, and it seemed to enjoy the French sea breeze.

    Kathy & David - thanks for the best wishes; I hope 2012 is a good year for you!



  5. P.s. This haiku was written when I landed in Beijing, arriving at my hotel at 1 a.m. after a gruelling journey, with a change in Dubai. While the hotel in Beijing was excellent, the early-morning food looked as rough as the diner. The little green Loch Ness monster in the picture seems to embody that feeling of happy weariness from the haiku, which fits well with my mood after a busy Christmas. Returning to work almost feels like a vacation...


(and thanks)