
28 March, 2012

The Master's Garden

Hyde Park

even the sparrows
dare not enter
the master's garden


  1. My current teaching rooms in college look down on the Master's garden - a quiet space in our college set aside for the use of the Master and his family, who live in the part of the college that backs onto it. There are very few windows down onto this old, pretty garden, which is right and proper - it is a family space, after all. This means that the Master's garden has an air of secrecy and quietude about it; indeed, I have never seen anyone in it.

    The haiku reminds me that even the birds themselves seem to think twice before landing in the pretty apple- and cherry-blossoms that line this secret little area.

    I rather liked the image, which is a juxtaposition in the sense that the garden space it depicts is the very opposite of the Master's garden in our quiet little college: it is the main walkway in Regent's Park, in the centre of London. I found myself enjoying a moment there before an event at a nearby institution. Alone with the sparrows, I noticed that they had no such trepidation in going where they pleased in this particular garden.



  2. Love the picture! :)

  3. Thank'ee, Anonymous - even my dodgy 'phone camera couldn't mess up that lovely scene. :)




(and thanks)