You certainly seem to get a lot for your money when it comes to samples from Nadacha. This appeals to me, because I get some extra to pass on to whomever I'm next sending samples. Shown above, the goodly sized fragments of this Jingmai cake. The aroma is forthright, clean, and very sweet.
Quiet, slow opera; the gentle warmth of the tetsubin; my dear wife looking into a mirror in the conservatory as she dries her face with a small towel.

As shown above, the blend is a combination of honest green leaves and "red" leaves, presumably added to give more appeal to those (like me) who enjoy drinking young shengpu. I actually enjoy it more without this kind of blend, but that's just me.
It is a sharp and potent cake, and the green leaves support a solid kuwei [pleasant bitter taste]. The texture is particularly thick, and the huigan is enduring. In many ways, this is a good tea. I dawdled over buying a cake, and, by the time I went back to the web-site, it had gone. Perhaps that's the way it was meant to be - while this is a nice cake, it doesn't really thrill me. It has plenty of positives, including some fine floral notes in the nose along with all that thickness, but I wasn't deeply impressed. It's the kind of cake you could take or leave - and it looks like it decided to leave without me, thus saving me the decision.
It is a sharp and potent cake, and the green leaves support a solid kuwei [pleasant bitter taste]. The texture is particularly thick, and the huigan is enduring. In many ways, this is a good tea. I dawdled over buying a cake, and, by the time I went back to the web-site, it had gone. Perhaps that's the way it was meant to be - while this is a nice cake, it doesn't really thrill me. It has plenty of positives, including some fine floral notes in the nose along with all that thickness, but I wasn't deeply impressed. It's the kind of cake you could take or leave - and it looks like it decided to leave without me, thus saving me the decision.
Nice tea. A year since I tried this: it was sweeter (white sugar and banana) than you describe it, and not 'potent'. Thick indeed. Consistent with other Nada offerings: clean, concentrated, with plenty of character.
I didn't buy more, though it was still available when I looked - had to take the decision myself :-)
I like the young sheng too. We're unusual in the eyes of the Chinese for this reason. They think it's crazy to not favor the earthy taste of aged of ripe Puerh. But I don't mind seeming like a nut to people.
Dear Nerval,
White sugar and banana would certainly be worthy of a classification of "sweet"! I don't regret letting this one go, though.
Wow! She took the loss of the cake very hard I guess. Please tell her not to cry, there,s always going to be "the next cake"
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